Wednesday, August 5, 2009


(this is cool)

I don't really update anymore so i'll try to make this a long one. I went to San Diego the other day to hang out with some old friends and friends from when I used to go to school there. I haven't seen them in a minute and it was dope to catch up, smoke, and drink with the crew which felt like college all over again. Here are some pictures!

(Jamie my brother from another mother)

(bon fire outside)

(Group Picture outside our twilight house)

(my Korean Nigga)

(roomates minus 2 other people haha)

It just occurred to me that I will probably never see any of my friends from san ramon that live in La now that we have reached the age that we have reached. It used to be okay that my friends were living down there because we had winter, thanksgiving, and summer breaks but at the point of our lives right now, everybody is doing their own things and building their own roads which is okay but it is kind of sad to understand that. All of us are older now and all of us are doing different things and what not and I guess that's the reality of life. I wish I was still in college again. Life was so much easier then and it was okay to be naive and spoiled and careless. Moving on..

I have been working with my parents a lot recently to pay off some credit card bills. It goes without saying that working with your parents fucking sucks! I got a 250 dollar check the other day tho from one of my parents clients so I'm bout to go to the mall and throw everything in the bag!

(shes hot)

(I want to watch)

My wittle cousins from Seattle are here. They are on my bed watching the Chappelle show rite now and laughing their asses off.

okay blog. I am tired. bye!

P.S. Carena is boring!

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